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The ProfiTrace OPC Server offers a standardized interface to get the valuable ProfiTrace information, like device status, statistics and process variables into applications that carry an OPC client, like: SCADA, Excel, etc.


Many process or factory plants nowadays use SCADA or Asset management software to get an overview of the production status and application alarms. However, they have no insight on the PROFIBUS health and behaviour which could indicate a potential shutdown. This information contributes heavily to the installation uptime.

Using ProfiTrace OPC, it is now possible to get the real live state of your PROFIBUS network directly in your SCADA system, allowing maintenance engineers and operators to react quickly to any PROFIBUS related alarms or irregular events coming up on the screen. The opportunities are vast.

You can display ProfiTrace tags in a SCADA/HMI package or link it to an SMS/email client and send a message when something happens with the PROFIBUS installation or even generate your own report in MS Word/Excel. Every application that acts as OPC client can approach the ProfiTrace tags. It does NOT disturb the PROFIBUS cycle time because the information comes from busmonitoring (listening).

You can try the OPC server 30 minutes without a license.

ProfiCore Ultra + OPC Software

SKU: 101-00231A
    • Live List data per device
    • Statistics per device (Syncs, Retries, Lost, etc.)
    • Process variables from Data Exchange messages
    • General variables (baudrate, on/off)
  • 2- 3 Weeks

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